Instead, you should write simple JUnit tests, which are known to be really fast, for testing aspects that do not concern user interactions i. Validate Run your test and verify that the test runs successfully. Although not strictly required, we suggest you annotate your test classes with: Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Link to be tested in the UI code. Waiting for certain conditions During UI tests, some actions may trigger long running operations. swtbot

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Matcher instances in order to test a condition. In my case it is the Shell. Create project Create a new plug-in called com.

Testing SWT GUI with SWTBot - Stack Overflow

However, SWTBot timeouts can be fully configured. Wwtbot the contrary, you want to use SWTBot to test, for example, the context menus of a tree viewer. We create another plug-in project, say, swtbot. Change your test method to the following to do some real testing.


He is the author of more than 80 research papers, published in international conferences and international journals. Tips, tricks and tutorials What kind of Java developer are you?

This is a strict requirement, otherwise the absence of sswtbot widget will make a test be stuck forever.

Join us in London! I don't even know if it is possible.

SWTBotText ; import org. Could not find widget matching: Composite ; import org. Lernkurve 7, 21 21 gold badges 62 62 silver badges bronze badges. To do that we write:.

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SWTBot can automatically generate screenshots of the running application if a test fails. Although not strictly required, we suggest you annotate your test classes with: The update site for the SWTBot is: In order to run tests that need a graphical server, you need to install Xvnc and the Xvnc Jenkins plug-in. Conditionswhich contains general SWT conditions. The bot can be initialized once for all the test methods, so the bot can be a static field which will be instantiated in a BeforeClass method: We hope we managed to give an introduction to the main concepts and features of SWTBot.

Validate Run your test and verify that the test runs successfully. Create test plug-in Create another Eclipse plug-in called de. We refer the interested reader to the SWTBot wiki for further documentation. So you can always go ahead and hack its source code. Although not strictly required, we suggest you annotate your test classes with:.

I would suggest you to tweak your code here and there and see. SWTBotView ; import org. If we run the test again, it will fail with the following exception we will talk about SWTBot timeouts in the concluding section:. Active 4 years, 6 months ago.


Anyway it is just a demo!! In this case, the test needs to wait until this operation finishes.
